Arriving at the Museum

Posted February 26th, 2021 by admin
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CCCGC Arriving at the Museum 

The General Meeting will be held at the Military Heritage Museum on the first Tuesday of each month. 

As you come down W Marion from 41 in Punta Gorda toward Fisherman’s Village the museum is on the right surrounded by a white picket fence. 

When you arrive at the museum come in through the front gate. Turn right to park in the grass area or left to park underneath the first building. There are handicap spots and non-handicap spots available. 

There is access to an elevator under the first building parking area. 

If that first area is filled continue straight past the first underneath parking area to another in front of you to the left.

If you take the front stairs into the building the lobby is right in front of you and you will turn to the right to enter the meeting area.

If you use the elevator stop on the first floor, turn right out of the elevator, and then left to head down the corridor past the gift shop to the main lobby. Across from the lobby will be the entrance into the meeting area.

Restrooms are located on the first floor down the corridor across from the elevators.

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